Weekly Cultivation
We’re two weeks into the new year and our Spiritual Seeds Planner.
The Annual Fruit Inspection was insightful and choosing a Fruit of the Month with cultivating actions inspiring. But the weekly planning has been nothing short of challenging!
It’s not just what we know, believe and desire. It’s what we do; how we live.
Before, we professed a faith in Christ with a sincere desire to grow spiritually and become like Him, but it wasn’t evident in our plans and activities. We planned appointments & obligations. We filled our days with “to do” lists. Personal ambition served as our motivation and source of strength. Truth - We planned our lives to be “busy” rather than Fruitful.
Gal. 5:16-17 (MSG)
There is a root of sinful self-interest in us that is at odds with the Holy Spirit
Satan didn’t just get into the world, he got into us. (our heads, our plans)
With our Spiritual Seeds Planner, we are being filled and led by the Holy Spirit plotting and planning to grow LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF CONTROL in us so that we will become more like Christ.
We are no longer controlled by personal ambition, worldly influences, busy schedules and “to do” lists. Our actions and priorities are under the direction and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
Mathew 7:20 (NIV)
Of course, we know that prioritizing and planning to grow spiritually does not eliminate demanding schedules, “to do” lists, obligations and responsibilities. However, it does change their role in our lives. They become opportunities and tools to be used by the Holy Spirit for our spiritual growth!
Remember, this is a paradigm shift.
Romans 8:28 (TLB)
We know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
Come Holy Spirit, do your best work in us!
We’ve gathered some of our best ideas and planning methods for a Spirit Filled Week. Try some or use them all, it’s up to you. Remember, every plan is as unique as the individual. Be creative, have fun with it. We would love to hear what works for you. Send to team@spiritualseedsplanner.com or post on our Facebook page.
Planning Steps for a Spirit Filled Week!
Schedule a planning session with the Holy Spirit (same day/time each week)
- Invite the Holy Spirit to fill your heart & direct your activities for growth
- Read Fruit of the Month definition & scripture
- Review Monthly Plotting and Cultivation Action List
- Write a personal prayer for the week
Plot specific cultivating actions (Cultivating List)
- Examples - call mom, lunch w/Sallie, Tuesday small group, clean up at church, reading assignments
- Plot time w/Holy Spirit each morning to pray, review, add to plan
Add encouraging messages, stickers, etc. to keep you on track
- Tip: Colors can be used for categories & bring it to life
Add scheduled activities & appointments
- Tip: Dedicate a color for appointments
- Tip: Consider every appointment an opportunity for spiritual growth
Keep planner in view – meetings, desk, kitchen counter
- Tip: Think of it as your really smart phone w/all your important stuff)
- Maintain ongoing dialogue with the Holy Spirit (personal advisor)
Plot time in evening to review and reflect on the day – add notes
- Tip: Celebrate success, share with others & thank the Holy Spirit for loving you enough to change you.
Additional Planning Ideas
- Dedicate a day – label it
- Set boundaries
- Repeat actions to create new habits and mindset
- Schedule/post reminders
- Create or join a small planning group
- Write a recap at the end of the week – add to Notes
- Anticipate opposition – time, demands, self
MOST IMPORTANT REMINDER – It’s the Holy Spirit that grows the fruit. LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF CONTROL are the result of the Holy Spirit living in us. We are simply cultivating a life that invites the Holy Spirit in and gives Him freedom to do His work in us. We cannot bear fruit on our own.
Gardening Tip: The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.
Good God,
You promised to send the Holy Spirit as a helper. I sure need Him. Without Him, I cannot bear fruit. Send Him to me now. Fill my heart and change me to be like you.