Annual Fruit Inspection
Traditional New Year’s resolutions are like promises we make to ourselves, our hopes and dreams for the future. We start with the end goal in mind, then map out our course of action to reach the goal. The course of action typically requires a change in behavior, plus a lot of effort to achieve the desired results. It’s no surprise that most resolutions quickly dissolve and we go back to doing things the same old way; our hopes and dreams no closer to reality.
We want change, but we aren’t willing or able to make change happen.
This is exactly why we created the Spiritual Seeds Planner.
We have one resolution; to live a life led by the Holy Spirit. It is only by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit living in us that we can change and be changed.
Spiritual Seeds Planner’s mission is to provide tools to help us live this kind of life, relying on the Holy Spirit for direction and power to plant, cultivate and grow Spiritual Fruit in our lives, so others will see Christ living in us.
The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control. Against such things there is no law. (Gal 5:22-23)
We’ll start by inspecting the current condition of each Spiritual Fruit in our life. This will help us identify the maturity of our fruit and best gardening action needed for growth.
We’ve identified four areas of life for spiritual growth – Self, Friends & Family, Vocation/Work and Community. We refer to these areas as our garden plots.
For your Annual Fruit Inspection, list all the Fruits in each garden plot. One by one, examine each fruit within the plot. Is the fruit abundant or scarce? Any bugs or weeds? How will your garden grow? Maybe some fruits need to be planted. Maybe your plot needs some cultivating. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance when inspecting fruit.

We’ve created a simple tool, if you would like some help getting started with your Fruit Inspection. We have listed one simple question for each fruit, in each garden plot. Read and reflect on each question. Answer questions by marking seldom, sometimes, most often. No right, wrong, yes or no.
Your answers will point to the gardening action best suited to start or promote additional growth of fruit.
PLANT – to purposefully place something, firmly in a particular place for growth
CULTIVATE – to develop or improve something, creating a new condition by direct effort
GROW – to spring up or develop in maturity, increase in size
Here’s an example. Click to be taken to tool to download.
Keep in mind, this is just the start. We invite you to check out the HOW IT WORKS page under tools to see how it all comes together and next steps. We will be posting blogs with directions and insights as we go along too.
We are here for support. Please post a comment or question and we will quickly respond. We appreciate feedback. We are learning and growing too!
Good God,
Guide us as we explore our gardens and examine our Spiritual Fruit. Show us where we need to PLANT, CULTIVATE & GROW so we can become more like Christ.
See you in the garden